T-Shirt Sizing and Colours

Our preferred T-shirts for printing are 100% combed cotton tops by Biz Collection, sourced through Dori Apparel.  We hold limited stocks on hand, but can order any size or colour upon request.  We are also happy to chat about sourcing alternative garments (such as Kmart tops) or printing garments you supply.

Preferred supplier Biz Collection tshirt sizing and colours

T-Shirt Info

Unless you request otherwise, we will your order on Biz Collection t-shirts.  Further product information about these t-shirts can be found at:

For kids tshirts:  https://dori.co.nz/products/t1...
For womens tshirts:  https://dori.co.nz/products/t1...
For mens tshirts:  https://dori.co.nz/products/t1...

Pointz - Pricing and Postage

We will never request payment from you until pricing and mock-up is confirmed.  Please do not make any form of payment until this has occurred.

Pointz Dance pricing and postage details

Pointz - Order and Printing Processes

If you would like details of pretreatment or ink used, please let us know.

Order Process for ordering printed tshirts with Pointz Dance
Pointz Dance printing process for printing tshirts

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